GALACTIC at EUROPHOTON 2022 conference in Hannover
At the EUROPHOTON conference GALACTIC presents an enhanced cavity-dumped Q-switched Alexandrite laser with CW double-pass diode pumping. The team has realized a highly efficient laser with a maximum output energy of more than 500 µJ (average power of 2.5 W) and a pulse duration of 2.8 ns at 755 nm. On 1 September 2022 Stefanie Unland, Laser Zentrum Hannover e.V., will present the laser system, specifications and reached output parameters.
The presentation with the title “Highly efficient cavity-dumped Q-switched Alexandrite laser” will take place in the Auditorium of Schloss Herrenhausen at 2:45 p.m.
Check here for details on the conference.
“Highly efficient cavity-dumped Q-switched Alexandrite laser”, Stefanie Unland1, Roland Kalms1, Peter Weßels1, Dietmar Kracht1 and Jörg Neumann1
1Laser Zentrum Hannover e.V., Hollerithallee 8, 30419 Hannover, Germany