Photonics West: GALACTIC presents results of environmental test campaign
The GALACTIC team has already shown, that their crystals have reached competitiveness on the global market. At the conference Solid State Lasers XXXII: Technology and Devices of the Photonics West, Stefanie Unland, Laser Zentrum Hannover e.V., will present first results of the environmental test campaign comprising irradiation and thermal cycling tests. Functional laser and LIDT tests as well as the measurements of the spectroscopic properties are performed before and after these environmental tests.
Stefanie Unland will present on 1 February at 10:30 a.m. PST within Session 6: Challenges and Issues in Field, Flight, and Space Qualified Laser Components and Systems.
The Horizon 2020 project GALACTIC was initiated to develop reproducible, fully European supplier-based functionally coated Alexandrite crystals that can be used in space. Therefore the team consisting of Altechna (LT), Laser Zentrum Hannover e.V. (DE) and Optomaterials S.r.l. (IT) works together to qualify the developed crystals according to TRL 6.
Environmental testing of high-quality Alexandrite crystals and coatings for space applications
Unland1, R. Kalms1, P. Weßels1, T. Böntgen1, H. Mädebach1, M. Hunnekuhl1, D. Kracht1, M. Lorrai2, P.G. Lorrai², M. Hmidat², J. Butkus3, L. Lukoševičius3, J. Neumann1
1Laser Zentrum Hannover e.V., Hollerithallee 8, 30419 Hannover, Germany; 2Optomaterials S.r.l., Via Antioco Loru 15, 09125 Cagliari, Italy; 3Altechna, Savanorių pr. 176B, 03154 Vilnius, Lithuania